De EU-landen hadden tijdens de COVID-pandemie veel verschillende vormen voor samenwerking tussen wetenschap en beleid. Wat kunnen we van elkaars ervaringen leren, en hoe zouden we dit op Europees niveau kunnen coördineren?
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a stress test for science advice to policy makers. It clearly showed the need to better connect science and policy. Not only within, but also between member states we have seen contrary and uncoordinated messages about issues related to the Covid-19 pandemic, leading to different approaches in the several member states. It clearly shows the need to make the interface between the worlds of policymaking and research more efficient and effective. What can we learn from each other? How can we improve coordination at a European level? And how can we ensure efficient sharing of scientific knowledge to be adapted in a national context?
Marileen Dogterom, President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences is one of the panel members.
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