


The general board of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (the ‘Academy’) resolves to adopt the following Regulation.

Publish date

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 General provisions

1.1          Definitions

1.2          General rules

1.2.1       General rules, Mandate/Submandate

1.2.2       General rules, Deputy

1.2.3       General rules, Sub-submandate

1.2.4       General rules, Power of attorney and Sub-power attorney

Chapter 2 Mandates

2.1          Management mandates of director general

2.2          Management mandates of institute directors

2.2.1       Management mandates on Staff matters

2.2.2       Management mandates on Finance matters

2.2.3       Management mandates on Accommodation matters

2.2.4       Management mandates on ICT matters

2.2.5       Other management mandates

2.3          Settlement mandates

Chapter 3 Reserved powers

3.1          Powers reserved to the board

3.1.1       Reserved staff-related powers

3.1.2       Reserved finance-related powers

3.1.3       Reserved accommodation-related powers

3.1.4       Reserved powers relating to legal matters, litigation and extrajudicial proceedings

3.1.5       Reserved powers relating to the house style, name and logo of the Academy

3.1.6       Other reserved powers

3.2         Powers reserved to the director general

3.2.1      Reserved staff-related powers

3.2.2      Reserved finance-related powers

3.2.3      Reserved accommodation-related powers

3.2.4      Reserved ICT-related powers

3.2.5      Reserved powers regarding undertaking obligations

3.2.6      Reserved powers relating to legal matters, litigation and extrajudicial proceedings

3.2.7      Reserved power relating to the house style, name and logo of the Academy

3.2.8      Other reserved powers

3.2.9      General reservation in regard to exercise of mandate

Chapter 4 Reporting obligation and consultation 

Chapter 5 Final provisions

Annex Submandate regulation, Academy Bureau



1.1         Definitions

In these Regulations, the following terms shall be understood to have the meanings assigned to them below:

settlement mandate:

the authority to make governance decisions in the name of the board.


all actions, deeds and decisions in regard to personnel and financing, accommodation, ICT and other actions by which the board implements the policy of the Academy in these areas.

management unit:

one of the organisational units specified in the Regulations of the Academy.

management mandate:

the authority to make management decisions in the name of the board.


the person to whom a mandate is extended pursuant to these Regulations.


the authority to make decisions in the name of the board, to be distinguished by mandates with respect to management (management mandates) and mandates with respect to governance (settlement mandates).


the person to whom the director general extends a submandate pursuant to these Regulations.


a mandate extended to a third party by a submandatory with the consent of the director general.


A specific form of sub-submandate is signature authority.

deputy submandatory:

a member of staff working under the supervision and responsibility of a submandatory and who, in the absence of the submandatory, is authorised to exercise that person’s submandate in whole or in part.

power of attorney:

the authority to perform one or more specific juristic acts for the Academy.

reserved power:

authority that the board (or the director general) reserves and which is not a component of the authority of the mandatory/submandatory.

All other terms in these Regulations have the meanings as defined in the law and the Regulations of the Academy.

References to the masculine form in these Regulations can also apply to the feminine form. 

1.2         General rules

1.2.1      General rules, Mandate/Submandate 

a. Within the bounds of the mandate/submandate, the mandatory/submandatory is authorised, on behalf of and under the responsibility of the board, to independently perform actions, make decisions and sign documents, in observance of the provisions under or pursuant to the law, the Regulations of the Academy, these Regulations and the other rules, guidelines and instructions in regard to the authority mandated/submandated and concerning the decisions made by the board (or the director general).

b. A mandate/submandate will be extended in writing.

c. The board (or the director general) may stipulate instructions in regard to the exercise of the authority under the mandate/submandate, either in general or by specific instance.

d. A decision made by the mandatory/submandatory within the bounds of his authority is qualified as a decision of the board.

e. In the exercise of a mandated/submandated authority, the mandatory/submandatory will sign ‘in the name of the board’ followed by his own name and position.

f. The authority to exercise the mandate/submandate ends either upon termination of the position on the basis of which the mandate/submandate was extended or in the event described under g, whichever comes first.

g.The board (or the director general) may terminate the mandate/submandate at any time. Termination will be effected in writing.

h. The board (or the director general) remains at all times authorised to exercise the authority mandated/submandated; whenever the board (or the director general) does so, the board (or the director general) will notify the mandatory/submandatory in writing.

i. The mandatory/submandatory may request to the board (or the director general) to revoke the mandate.

j. The mandatory/submandatory is accountable to the board (or the director general) for the exercise of the mandates, submandates and sub-submandates within his management unit, and will provide the information concerning this as requested.

k. The board (or the director general) may resolve to retain certain powers. Any such reserved powers will, insofar as not set out in these Regulations, be notified to the mandatory/submandatory in writing.

l. The director general may, after obtaining the written permission of the board of the Academy, extend submandate to officers other than those as provided in these Regulations. A submandate is granted in writing, and the director general will be responsible for registering the submandates granted.

1.2.2      General rules, Deputy 

a. Every submandatory will designate, subject to the written approval of the director general in advance, a member of staff of the management unit as his deputy for the exercise of the management mandates extended to him and not delegated in sub-submandate.

b. A deputy mandatory will sign in the same way as the relevant submandatory, with the addition of ‘p.p.’.

1.2.3      General rules, Sub-submandate

a. A submandate can be passed on by the submandatory to another member of staff of the management unit in question as a sub-submandate with the prior written consent of the director general and in observance of these Regulations and the guidelines issued by the director general. A change in a sub-submandate extended is subject to the written approval of the director general in advance.

b. A sub-submandate will be extended in writing.

c. The submandatory will inform the director general of any revocation or change of a sub-submandate extended.

d. The provisions of these Regulations apply accordingly to sub-submandates.

e. In the exercise of a sub-submandated authority, the sub-submandatory will sign ‘in the name of the board’ followed by his own name and position.

f. The submandatory will be responsible for keeping a registration of all sub-submandates granted within the management unit.

The following information will be registered for every sub-submandate:

- the area in which the mandate is extended (Personnel, Finance, Accommodation, ICT, Other);

- the position of the sub-submandate on the basis of which he is given the mandate;

- the scope of the sub-submandate;

- the date of the approval of the director general;

- any limitations and any special conditions set on the exercise of the sub-submandate;

- the way in which the sub-submandatory is to report on the exercise of the sub-submandate.

g. The submandatory will send the director general a copy of the registration of the sub-submandates extended in the management unit.

h. The registration obligations in these Regulations that are explicitly charged to the submandatory are not eligible for sub-submandate.

1.2.4      General rules, Power of attorney and Sub-power of attorney

a. A power of attorney to represent the Academy in the name of the president of the Academy, whether at law or otherwise, is granted by the president.

b. The president grants power of attorney to the director general to implement the decisions made by the board on the basis of these regulations and to implement the decisions made by the director general on the basis of these regulations pursuant to mandate, and as part of this permits the granting of sub-power of attorney by the director general.

c. The director general grants sub-power of attorney to the institute directors to implement the decisions made by the institute directors on the basis of these regulations pursuant to submandate, and as part of this permits the granting of sub-power of attorney by the institute directors.

d. The rules of these regulations apply accordingly to any power of attorney/sub-power of attorney and the granting thereof.


PART 2                MANDATES

2.1         Management mandates of director general

The board mandates all its management powers to the director general of the Academy, with the exception of the powers reserved to the board indicated in chapter 3.

2.2         Management mandates of institute directors

Institute directors are submandated the management powers described below by the director general:

2.2.1      Management mandates on STAFF matters


The submandate of the director of an institute on staff matters comprises, with the exception of the powers reserved to the board and the director general under chapter 3:

a. all performances, actions and decisions relating to legal status, including applications for permits for employment contracts, in regard to staff to be appointed in his management unit;

b. all performances, actions and decisions relating to legal status, including applications for e-identification resources at all trust levels, in regard to staff working in his management unit;

c. responsibility for the working conditions (including in-house emergency response), the environment, and safety within the management unit.

In regard to the provisions under a and b, prior approval of the director general is required for decisions to:

  • enter into an employment contract at scale 15 and higher or a promotion to scale15 and higher;
  • enter into an employment contract with or amending an employment contract with a member of staff that involves to some degree a work location outside the Netherlands and/or cross-border work;
  • enter into an employment contract with, promotion, suspension or dismissal of an officer with responsibility for operations;
  • extend allowances, bonuses and other periodic or one-time emoluments at scale 15 and higher, or for decisions on allocations that exceed a sum of €5,000 per instance or over the course of a year;
  • approve of expense declarations in excess of €5,000.

The mandate is exercised in observance of the applicable working conditions and environmental regulations and the systems, instructions and guidelines based on that legislation, the collective labour agreement for Dutch Universities (“CAO NU”), the Academy’s operative personnel policy, and the guidelines and instructions issued by or in the name of the board and/or the director general, and further in observance of the provisions of article 2.3 in regard to biological safety and radiation safety. Where external staff are insourced and not employed by the Academy, the model contracts approved for the Academy by the tax powers must be used.

The director of the institute may grant signature authority to members of staff working under his leadership and responsibility linked to their position with regard to certain juristic acts in the area of staff-related issues. In his decision, the director of the institute will define the nature and purpose of this authority, as well as the limitations on the obligations of the Academy entailed thereby. A list of the signature authorities will be provided to the director general.


Examples of this type of signature authority include granting of regular or extraordinary leave, approval of training courses, expense declarations, foreign travel, collective bargaining arrangements, etc.

2.2.2      Management mandates on FINANCE matters


The submandate of the director of an institute on finance matters comprises, with the exception of the powers reserved to the board and the director general under chapter 3, the disposal of the resources allocated by the board to the management unit. The director of the institute will exercise the submandate in accordance with the intended use, the budget of the Academy, and the limits of the law, as well as in observance of the rules, guidelines and instructions issued by or in the name of the board and/or the director general.

The director of the institute may grant signature authority to members of staff working under his leadership and responsibility linked to their position with regard to certain juristic acts in the area of finance-related issues. In his decision, the director of the institute will define the nature and purpose of this authority, as well as the limitations on the obligations of the Academy entailed thereby. A list of the signature authorities will be provided to the director general.

2.2.3      Management mandates on ACCOMMODATION matters


The submandate of the director of an institute on accommodation matters comprises, with the exception of the powers reserved to the board and the director general under chapter 3, the responsibility for the day-to-day management of the buildings, building complexes and sites assigned to him by the director general. Where a building and/or building complex is occupied by more than one management unit or a site is used by more than one management unit, the director general prescribes that the building, building complex and/or site will be submandated to the director of the institute with the biggest management unit in terms of FTEs.


The mandate on accommodation matters includes:

a.             decisions relating to minor maintenance on the buildings, as described in the Lessee-Lessor Demarcation List;

b.             the assignment of space to members of staff in accordance with the technical and functional intended use of the building;

c.             making space available to third parties in the building where the management unit in question is housed for a maximum duration of five business days;

d.             the day-to-day security of buildings, building complexes and sites;

e.             the determination of the opening hours of the building, building complexes and sites;

f.              the determination of the rights of access to the building, building complexes and sites during and outside regular opening hours;

g.             maintaining domestic order, including the establishment of house rules and taking of disciplinary measures.

The submandatory is authorised to have guest researchers, trainees, volunteers, and third parties who conduct themselves in a manner unacceptable by generally accepted standards removed from the premises. This may include refusal of access to all buildings, building complexes and sites of the management unit:

  • the building manager is also authorised to deny third parties access. In such cases, the person’s access may be denied until further notice;
  • only the director of the institute is authorised to deny guest researchers, trainees and volunteers access. Denial of access by the director of the institute may apply for a maximum of one year, and the duration of the denial of access must be justified by the severity of the conduct.


For personnel who conduct themselves in a manner unacceptable by generally accepted standards, disciplinary measures are also possible.


The director of the institute will appoint an officer who will be the first point of contact for issues relating to the management of the building, the building complex and the site, and inform the Property department of the Academy of this appointment.

2.2.4      Management mandates on ICT matters


The submandate of the director of the institute on ICT matters (defined as ‘the whole of the digital information systems, including the required hardware, software and externally sourced services’) comprises, with the exception of the powers reserved to the board and the director general under chapter 3, the acquisition or rental, management and maintenance, and use of ICT for the institute’s own working processes, in observance of the Academy’s Procurement and Tendering policy, information security policy, and general ICT policy (including the Academy’s Regulations for ICT Facilities and Communication Resources).

2.2.5      Other management mandates

a.            Undertaking obligations with a cash value


The submandate of the director of the institute comprises, with the exception of the powers reserved to the board and the director general under chapter 3, undertaking obligations with a cash value, including grant applications, in observance of the following instructions

  1. the value of the obligation does not exceed a sum of €250,000 (one-time or cumulative). Sub-submandates are permitted up to a sum of €100,000;
  2. the grant does not exceed a sum of €250,000 per year;
  3. obligations referred to under b that are sub-submandated but for which the Academy has a matching obligation are subject to the prior approval of the director of the institute;
  4. issue of orders is subject to the Procurement and Tendering Policy of the Academy. Orders for the delivery (purchase, rental, lease and hire-purchase of tangible goods), orders for the execution of a work (construction works or roadworks), and orders for the performance of services must be placed with the vendors selected on the basis of European or national tendering procedures.


The director of the institute will ensure that all obligations with a cash value undertaken are registered at the level of the management unit. Once per year, and whenever requested by the director general, the director of the institute will provide information about the obligations undertaken. The director of the institute will send a copy of the obligation undertaken to the documentary information service DIV (Documentaire Informatievoorziening) immediately (

The director general may issue guidelines for the registration and reporting procedures.

b.            Undertaking obligations without cash value


The submandate of the director of the institute comprises, with the exception of the powers reserved to the board and the director general under chapter 3, undertaking obligations without cash value, such as nondisclosure agreements.

For the application of the mandate regulations, obligations undertaken that do not have a cash value but that can be reasonably expected to be followed by obligations that do have a cash value (for example, declarations of intent or preliminary contracts) are deemed to fall under article 2.2.5(a) and the instructions given there.


The director of the institute will ensure that all obligations without cash value undertaken are registered at the level of the management unit. Once per year, and whenever requested by the director general, the director of the institute will provide information about the obligations undertaken. The director of the institute will send a copy of the obligation undertaken to the documentary information service DIV immediately (

The director general may issue guidelines for the registration and reporting procedures.

c.            Management of data files


The submandate of the director of the institute comprises the management of data files within his management unit. The director of the institute exercises the submandate within the limits of the law, as well as in observance of the rules, guidelines and instructions issued by or in the name of the board and/or the director general.

Data files are defined as any structured set of personal data, as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation (regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data) present in the management unit in question. 

The management of data files comprises, at a minimum:

  • the registration of all processing in accordance with article 30 of the General Data Protection Regulation;
  • the retention and monitoring of these files and defining rules for this retention and monitoring, as well as the responsibility for the security of the processing of personal data by automated means, in observance of the operative privacy and information security policy of the Academy;
  • the determination of the structure of these files and the acquisition and processing of data;
  • the release of files and components of files to users and the determination of the manner in which this is done;
  • the legitimate use of the files in accordance with the purpose of the processing;
  • observance of the rights of the data subjects;
  • the provision of data to third parties, including investigative powers, if obliged to do so under a provision of law;
  • compliance with the rules of law in regard to personal data.

2.3 Settlement mandates

The director general

is given the mandate to exercise the powers under the Experiments on Animals Act, including the responsibility for the availability of the expertise required by the law and the Animal Experiments Committee (Dier Experimenten Commissie).

is given the mandate to exercise the authorities with respect to the Academy’s Regulations for ICT Facilities and Communication Resources insofar as these regulations do not place that authority with the institute director.

is given the mandate to make decisions insofar as pertaining to an implementation of policy previously adopted by the board.

is given the mandate to exercise the powers relating to the management of the central insurance portfolio, as well as the powers relating to the issue of instructions for the collection of claims.

is given the mandate to make decisions on requests in the context of the Government Information (Public Access) Act (Wet openbaarheid van bestuur).

is given the mandate to make decisions on an application that is submitted against decisions set out in the Academy’s Regulations regarding Committee for Reconsideration of Legal Position Decisions (other than dismissal) made by or on behalf of institute directors.

is given the mandate to make decisions on a notice of objection submitted against decisions made by or on behalf of the directors of the institutes.

is given the mandate to settle complaints against conduct of a director of an institute.

The institute directors

are given the mandate to exercise the authorities with respect to the Academy’s Regulations for ICT Facilities and Communication Resources insofar as these regulations do not place that authority with the director general.

are given the mandate to exercise the powers relating to filing reports with investigative institutions, after prior consultation with the director general.

The biological safety officer

is given the mandate to apply for permits for working with Genetically Modified Organisms within the framework of research experiments, as well as the exercise of the powers under the permits, pursuant to the Regulation and the Genetically Modified Organisms Regulation and Decree.

The general coordinating radiation expert

is given the mandate to exercise the powers under the permit pursuant to the Nuclear Energy Act.

The data protection officer or deputy data protection officer

is given the mandate to report a data leak to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).


PART 3                 RESERVED POWERS

3.1         Powers reserved to the board

The board reserves the following powers:

3.1.1      Reserved staff-related powers:

a. the appointment/reappointment, suspension and dismissal of institute directors

b. the establishment of endowed chairs;

c. all performances, actions and decisions relating to legal status in respect of the director general;

d. decisions for the termination of the employment contracts of a considerable number of members of staff within a short period of time.

3.1.2      Reserved finance-related powers:

a. decisions on the multi-year allocation of resources from the government funding of the Academy;

b. adoption of the Treasury Statute and the Investment Mandate;

c. designation of the Institutional Auditor for the audit of the annual report;

d. undertaking and providing monetary loans of an amount ≥ €250,000;

e. acceptance of gifts and bequests of an amount ≥ €500,000.

3.1.3      Reserved accommodation-related powers:        

a. adoption of the Academy’s multi-year accommodation policy plan;

b. making decisions or undertaking obligations with a cash value involving an investment or divestment amount or financial obligation of €1 million or more.

3.1.4      Reserved powers relating to legal matters, litigation and extrajudicial proceedings:

a. decisions on applications submitted against decisions set out in the Academy’s Regulations regarding Committee for Reconsideration of Legal Position Decisions (other than dismissal) made by the director general pursuant to mandate.

b. decisions on statements of objections or consent to direct appeal as defined in the General Administrative Law Act (Algemene wet bestuursrecht) against decisions made by the director general under mandate;

c. settlement of complaints against conduct of the director general.

3.1.5      Reserved powers relating to the house style, name and logo of the Academy:

a. adoption of the general house style of the Academy.

3.1.6      Other reserved powers               

a. decisions on closing, merging, disposing of or founding an institute, changing the mission of an institute, divesting or attracting activities of strategic importance for an institute, or on institutional cooperation by an institute with third parties;

b. founding, co-founding or participating in legal entities;

c. sell-off of components of the organisation and/or disposing of activities.               

3.2         Powers reserved to the director general              

The director general reserves the following powers:

3.2.1      Reserved staff-related powers:

a.   entering into an employment contract with or promotion of institute directors and all performances, actions and decisions relating to legal status in regard to the institute directors insofar as not reserved by the board of the Academy;

b.   imposing the disciplinary measure of dismissal, suspension for a fixed period with full or partial withholding of remuneration, or placement on non-active status of members of staff of scale 15 or higher in relation to these disciplinary measures;

c.   the insourcing of staff not under the employ of the Academy with an hourly rate ≥ €150 excluding VAT;

d.   adoption of the personnel policy for the Academy and the conduct of personnel management;

e.   decisions and intended decisions for restructuring and consultations on the restructuring with the Works Council;

f.    adoption of layoff plans.

3.2.2      Reserved finance-related powers:

a. undertaking and providing monetary loans up to an amount of €250,000;

b. undertaking obligations of surety for the Academy, obliging the Academy as joint and several debtor or co-debtor, warranting for a third party on behalf of the Academy, or offering to furnish security for the debt of a third party on behalf of the Academy;

c. opening, changing and closing accounts with banking institutions;

d. taking the use of a credit card to be debited from a bank account of the Academy;

e. making deposits and purchasing securities (bonds, shares or derivatives);

f. signature authority for bank transactions;

g. acquittance for claims and write-off or waiver of collection of claims up to a total amount per debtor in excess of €50,000;

h. retention of cash resources in an amount in excess of €1,500 in cash and bearer instruments;

i. acceptance of gifts and bequests up to an amount of €500,000;

j. selection of vendors of services or works on the basis of European or national tendering procedures, and decisions to depart from the operative tendering policy;

k. entering into agreements pertaining to the central insurance portfolio of the Academy;

l. issuing instructions to auditors (not being the Institutional Auditor).

3.2.3      Reserved accommodation-related powers:

a. decisions pertaining to major maintenance to buildings, as described in the Lessee-Lessor Demarcation List, with the exception of the provisions in the Annex under 1.2.2;

b. making decisions or undertaking obligations with a cash value involving an investment or divestment amount or financial obligation of under €1 million, with the exception of the provisions in the Annex under 1.2.2;

c. erection of buildings, acquisition, alienation, encumbrance, leasing or subleasing, letting or subletting, and granting the use of immovables of the Academy to third parties, after obtaining the approval of the board;

d. using the address of the Academy or the address of institutes of the Academy for other legal entities;

e. granting permission for the deletion of mortgage registrations and attachments, as well as any other act of ownership;

f. decisions pertaining to the acquisition or replacement of security systems/facilities;

g. granting the use of buildings of the Academy or portions thereof to the submandatories.

3.2.4      Reserved ICT-related powers:

Adoption of a cross-management unit policy for ICT designed around a sustainable, cost-efficient, cohesive and secure digital information environment within the Academy, in observance of the connection conditions of SURF;

Decisions in regard to the acquisition or rental, management and maintenance, and use of group information systems and services;

Monitoring of compliance with the ICT policy.

3.2.5      Reserved powers regarding undertaking obligations:

a. at the institute level, undertaking obligations with a cash value > €250,000 (one-time or cumulative) or application for a grant involving a subsidy > €250,000 per year;

b. decision-making on the basis of the Valorisation Regulations of the Academy insofar as those regulations do not assign this decision-making to another body;

c. entering into cooperation agreements at the institutional level or entering into agreements involving cross-management unit interests.

The director general will send a copy of the agreement to the DIV immediately (

3.2.6      Reserved powers relating to legal matters, litigation and extrajudicial proceedings:

a. the conduct of litigation, the conduct of defence in legal proceedings, presenting disputes to arbiters, entering into settlement agreements, consenting to a voluntary arrangement, and acquiescing to decisions of courts and arbitral tribunals, all insofar as not in a capacity attributed to another body;

b. decisions on statements of objections or consent to direct appeal as defined in the General Administrative Law Act (Algemene wet bestuursrecht) against decisions made under mandate;

c. obtaining legal advice from, or having the Academy represented in legal proceedings by, third parties such as attorneys or legal advisors.

3.2.7      Reserved powers relating to the house style, name and logo of the Academy:

a. granting permission to third parties for the use of the name and/or logo of the Academy.

3.2.8      Other reserved powers

a. application for permits for which the law requires that the permit be applied for by the competent authority itself or permits that apply across multiple management units, including permits under the Nuclear Energy Act (Kernenergiewet), the Radiation Protection (Nuclear Energy Act) Decree (Besluit Stralingsbescherming Kernenergiewet) and the Genetically Modified Organisms Regulation (Regeling Genetisch Gemodificeerde Organismen), with the exception of permits for working with Genetically Modified Organisms within the framework of research experiments for which the authority for the application is mandated to the biological safety officer;

b. decisions in regard to the management of the archive documents of the Academy on the basis of the Public Records Act 1995 (Archiefwet 1995), the Public Records Decree 1995 (Archiefbesluit 1995), and the regulations based thereon.

3.2.9      General reservation in regard to exercise of mandate:

As a general reservation in regard to the exercise of any mandate, the mandatory/submandatory will consult with the board (or the director general) if a decision to be made:

a. is a decision on matters of principle or a decision of a controversial nature, or on a matter in which there is a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest;

b. is a decision by which the prescribed method of consultation or treatment has not yet been completed;

c. entails new policy initiatives of management units that can be reasonably expected to have consequences for other management units upon implementation;

d. leads to significant ancillary aspects or side effects such as precedent effect of a decision to be made or series of decisions made, including in any event a reasonable chance of legal proceedings and/or expected publicity.



De gemandateerde stelt het bestuur en de ondergemandateerde stelt het bestuur en de algemeen directeur direct in kennis van:

a. Misdrijven hem in de uitoefening van zijn functie ter kennis komen;

b. (Vermoede) schendingen van wetenschappelijke integriteit die hem ter kennis komen;

c. Door externe controlerende instanties ingestelde onderzoeken en gevraagde verantwoording;

d. Gebeurtenissen die ingrijpende gevolgen hebben of kunnen hebben voor het functioneren van    de KNAW organisatie of onderdelen daarvan;

e. Overige door het bestuur c.q. de algemeen directeur aan te wijzen onderwerpen.

De (onder)gemandateerde handelt hierbij zoveel mogelijk in overleg met het bestuur (c.q. de algemeen directeur) of de door het bestuur (c.q. de algemeen directeur) hiertoe aangewezen persoon.


a. Deze regeling kan worden aangehaald als "Mandatenregeling KNAW".

b. De regeling “Standaardmandaat KNAW 2012” zoals vastgesteld op 22 augustus 2012 komt te vervallen en wordt door deze regeling vervangen.

c. Deze regeling kan worden gewijzigd door het bestuur.

d. In gevallen waarin deze regeling niet voorziet, beslist het bestuur.

e. Deze regeling treedt in werking op 1 februari 2018 en is gewijzigd op 1 januari 2020.


Annex   Ondermandatenregeling bureau KNAW



The mandatory will immediately inform the board, and the submandatory will immediately inform the board and the director general, of:

a. Crimes of which he becomes aware in the performance of his job;

b. Violations or suspected violations of academic integrity of which he becomes aware;

c. Investigations instituted by external controlling bodies and accountability requested;

d. Events that have or could have drastic consequences on the functioning of the Academy organisation or components thereof;

e. Other issues to be designated as such by the board (or the director general).

In this respect the mandatory/submandatory will act as much as possible in consultation with the board (or the director general) or the person designated thereto by the board (or the director general).


PART 5                FINAL CLAUSES

a. These Regulations may be cited as the ‘Mandate Regulations of the Academy’.

b. The regulation ‘Mandate Academy Standard 2012’ (Standaardmandaat KNAW 2012), as adopted on 22 August 2012, expires and is replaced by these Regulations.

c. These Regulations can be amended by the board.

d. In cases not provided for in these regulations, the board will decide.

e. These Regulations became effective on 1 February 2018 and were amended on 1 January 2020.


The Dutch-language version of these Regulations will prevail over any translations thereof.

Annex   Submandate regulations, Academy Bureau

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