
The Academy is the forum, the voice and the conscience of science in the Netherlands. Its institutes lead the way here and abroad with their research and collections. Its activities are based on the conviction that knowledge and creativity are the most important ingredients for well-being and prosperity.
Academy policy
The Academy is required by law to adopt a strategic plan every four years. The policy for the years ahead is articulated in ‘Knowledge-based! Strategic Agenda for 2021-2025’.
Academy's duties
The Academy’s duties are defined by law. Briefly, they are: to serve as a learned society representing the full spectrum of scientific and scholarly disciplines; to act as a management body for national research institutes; to advise the Dutch Government on matters related to scientific pursuit.
More about the Academy's duties
Organisation, board and management
The Academy is both a learned society and an organisation of national research institutes. The Academy Board defines the overall policy and budget. The consensus-based Board of Management is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Academy organisation.
Organisation, board and management
Members of the Academy
Since its inception, the Academy has been a learned society of outstanding Dutch scientists and scholars. Membership is awarded on the basis of scientific and scholarly achievement. Members are appointed for life.
Read more about the Academy’s members
The Young Academy
The Young Academy is a dynamic and innovative platform of researchers active in a range of disciplines who have outspoken views about science and science policy. The Young Academy organises inspiring activities for various target groups focusing on interdisciplinarity, science policy, and the interface between science and society.
Read more about The Young Academy
Society of Arts
The Society will give artists a place to share ideas with professionals in science and other artistic disciplines. They will focus on the role of the arts in society and the relationship between science and the arts.
Read more about the Society of Arts
Scientific cooperation is indispensable for tackling the international challenges of our time. The Academy also wishes to increase the international influence of science on policy by linking scientific knowledge to current issues.
History of the Academy
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, governments throughout Europe founded national academies to promote science and scholarship and international cooperation in research. The Dutch institution, the present-day Academy, was founded in 1808.
Read more about the Academy’s history
The Trippenhuis
The Trippenhuis Building on Amsterdam’s Kloveniersburgwal canal was built for the brothers Louys (1605–1684) and Hendrick Trip (1607–1666). The Academy has been associated with this remarkable building since its foundation.
Read more about the Trippenhuis
Venue hire
With its historic architecture, the Trippenhuis is an exceptional venue for your event.