
How to apply for the NIAS/Society of Arts Artist-in-Residence programme in 2025-2026. This page contains information and guidelines regarding the application process.
What is the Artist-in-Residence Program?
The Artist-in-Residence Program was established jointly by the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW) and the Society of Arts. It is a fellowship enabling artists to spend five months at the NIAS working on a project that contributes to cross-fertilisation between the arts and science. The purpose of the residency is to study the theoretical aspects of a subject in-depth.
The Artist-in-Residence Program makes one place available for the academic years 2025 and 2026.
How to apply
1. Please read the guidelines on the website carefully prior to an application or nomination.
2. Applications, written in English, must include:
- CV of the candidate (maximum 1 page) including contact details, address and a list of achievements and recognitions (e.g. awards, exhibitions; the CV may include hyperlinks to projects or portfolio)
- Motivation letter written by the candidate (maximum 1 page)
- Project description written by the candidate including the proposed research, title, activities and intended results (maximum 1 page)
- Letter of recommendation from the nominator (maximum 1 page)
3. Send the above documents, merged into one pdf file, by e-mail to avk@knaw.nl before 17 March 12:00 pm.
Please note: Only submissions received through members of the Society of Arts, the KNAW and the Young Academy will be accepted. Entries that do not meet the above criteria will not be considered.
Applying for the artist-in-residence fellowship or nominating an artist for the position is possible between 15 January 2025 and 17 March 2025 12 pm.
Who is eligible?
- Dutch artists who work in the Netherlands or abroad, or
- Non-Dutch artists who live and work in the Netherlands
Members of the Society of Arts can apply themselves; other candidates must be nominated by a member of Society of Arts, KNAW or Young Academy.
What does the Artist-in-Residence fellowship consist of?
- A monthly stipend of € 3200, for the duration of five months
- Temporary housing close to the NIAS or an allowance to cover travel between the fellow’s place of residence in the Netherlands and the NIAS (public transport, 2nd class travel or a fixed mileage allowance)
- Temporary offices, IT and library facilities and lunches at the NIAS There are no artist’s studios available
- A travel allowance (economy class) for return travel between the artist’s home abroad and the Netherlands
- Fellows are responsible for paying tax to the Tax and Customs Administration of the Netherlands (Belastingdienst) or to the tax authorities of the country in which they are liable to pay tax
Elaborate information about practical matters can be read on the website of NIAS.
How should you apply or nominate a candidate?
- Members of the Society of Arts may apply on their own behalf.
- If the candidate is not a member of the Society of Arts, he/she must be nominated by a member of the Society of Arts, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, or The Young Academy.
What are the assessment criteria?
Proposals will be judged on:
- A clearly formulated research question in line with the objectives of the programme.
- The added value of a residency at NIAS.
- Feasibility of the project.
- A clearly specified work plan, research method and expected result.
- A good command of the English language, as this is the main language of the fellowship.
What are the accountability requirements?
- The Artist-in-Residence must ensure that the result (or process leading to the result), including suitable images and explanations, is available for publication on the NIAS and Society of Arts websites during or shortly after the end of the fellowship.
- The Artist-in-Residence must submit a brief report on his/her fellowship activities and results during the final month of the fellowship.
- Within one year after the residency ends the artist should initiate in collaboration with the NIAS and the Society of Arts a public event regarding his/her project.
When will the outcome be announced?
The NIAS and the Society of Arts will announce the name of the Artist in Residence of 2026 before 1 June 2025.
- Deadline for applications: 17 March 2025, 12:00 pm (noon).
- Interviews: April 2025.
- Announcement of final decision: June 2025.
- Fellowship (stay at NIAS): February 2026 - June 2026
Who assesses the applications and nominations?
- The rector of the NIAS and the chairperson of the Society of Arts will assess the competing candidates. The secretary of the Society of Arts plays an advisory role. The candidates are assessed on established criteria (see below). An interview can be part of the assessment process.
- The decision to award an Artist-in-Residence fellowship will be taken jointly by the rector of the NIAS and the chairperson of the Society of Arts. If they are unable to reach agreement within a specified period of time, the Board of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences will decide.
Read the Frequently Asked Questions through the link below.
Is your question not answered through the FAQ? Please contact the Society of Arts by e-mail: avk@knaw.nl.
About the NIAS
The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW) fosters advanced research in the humanities and social sciences, and encourages interdisciplinary scholarly cooperation in an international setting. The NIAS is an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). It is located in Amsterdam.
About the Society of Arts
The purpose of the Society of Arts is to serve as the voice of the arts in Dutch society (including the political world) and to promote interaction between the arts, between the arts and society, and between the arts and science. The Society of Arts is part of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.