French oncologist Laurence Zitvogel has spent thirty years studying the relationship between the immune system and the success of cancer treatments. Among other things, she discovered that the gut microbiome influences the efficacy of anticancer therapy. She is receiving this year’s Bob Pinedo Cancer Care Award for her pioneering research and passionate commitment to improving the quality of treatment and care for cancer patients.

2.30 p.m. - Arrival of guests
3.00 p.m. - Opening by moderator Eveline van Rijswijk, Welcome and introduction
Award ceremony:
- Laudatio by jury chair Pancras Hogendoorn
- Presentation of sculpture to Laurence Zitvogel by chair of Douwe Breimer Foundation and Academy President Marileen Dogterom
3.20 p.m. - Keynote lecture by Laurence Zitvogel, The secrets of the cross-talk between gut microbiota and cancer immunosurveillance
3.50 p.m. - Audience questions
3.55 p.m. - Lecture by Alexander Eggermont (Chief Scientific Officer, Board of Directors, Professor of Clinical & Translational Immunotherapy, UMCU, Utrecht University, Board of Comprehensive Cancer Center Munich, Editor in Chief of European Journal of Cancer Care), Laurence Zitvogel: Priming and Reversed Priming
4.05 p.m. - Lecture by Jessica Borgers (physician-researcher, Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI-AvL), Faeces microbiota transplantation to convert non-response to immune checkpoint inhibition in melanoma
4.15 p.m. - Audience questions
4.20 p.m. - Lecture by Kees Melief (Professor emeritus, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and Chief Scientific Officer, ISA Pharmaceuticals, both in Leiden, Local immunomodulators and therapeutic vaccines for systemic immunity against cancer
4.30 p.m. - Lecture by Marieke Fransen (AMC Amsterdam, location VUMC), Targeting tumour-draining lymph nodes with immunotherapy for enhanced systemic immune responses
4.40 p.m. - Audience questions
5.00 p.m. - Programme conclusion