Talented early-career researchers may apply for a three-year appointment as a post-doc researcher at an Academy institute to conduct research on the labour market and social security in the Netherlands.
The nomination form and research proposal should be submitted in Dutch.
Subject areas
Social security and the labour market. The participating institutes are the Huygens Institute of Netherlands History, the International Institute of Social History (IISG), and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI).
Who is it for
Post-doc researchers who obtained their PhD no more than five years ago or will defend their PhD thesis not later dan in the month of April 2025 and who are working on innovative research in the fields of social security and labour market in the Netherlands. Their research should be related to the domain of Instituut Gak and the research agenda of the Academy host institute, for example because they would make use of the available collections or (interdisciplinary) collaboration with researchers at the host institute.
About the Instituut Gak-KNAW Award
The Instituut Gak-KNAW Award was established in 2019 by Instituut Gak and the Academy and is conferred annually. The award is made possible by Instituut Gak (Dutch only), an equity fund that seeks to contribute to the quality of social security and labour market policy by offering financial support for socially relevant projects and research and by establishing (endowed) chairs and a research professorship.