The Statesman Thorbecke Fund Programme is for research projects that have a strong connection with the Dutch statesman Johan Rudolf Thorbecke. Preference is given to projects carried out by a postdoctoral researcher. A project may be awarded up to EUR 200,000 in funding.
Subject areas
Subject areas in which J.R. Thorbecke distinguished himself as a politician and scholar.
Who can apply?
Members of the Academy, members and alumni of The Young Academy, full professors in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
About the Statesman Thorbecke Fund
The purpose of the Statesman Thorbecke Fund is ‘to promote and preserve our knowledge of the life, work and intellectual legacy of Johan Rudolf Thorbecke (1798-1872), in particular by studying the organic element of Thorbecke’s thinking, and to promote research into issues of human society and life outside human society in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences’. The Fund’s assets consist of a gift and a bequest from the estate of W. Thorbecke (1920-2014), J.R. Thorbecke’s great grandson.

The biennial Statesman Thorbecke Fund Programme, which is financed by this Fund, was established by the Academy in 2015 to promote research projects that are consistent with the Fund's objective. A maximum of EUR 200,000 may be awarded to no more than five projects in each application round.