What experts say about the Hubrecht Institute
The institute ranks as one of the top institutes worldwide in the field of developmental and stem cell biology. An independent peer review committee has confirmed its outstanding quality: 'The review committee was unanimously very impressed by the outstanding quality of the research performed at the Hubrecht Institute. With respect to the criteria 'Relevance to Society' and 'Viability', the committee rated the Institute as excellent as well. According to the committee it is undeniable that the Institute has achieved and maintained its status as a world leading Institute on stem cell and developmental biology.'
The focus of research at the Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research is developmental and stem cell biology. The institute has twenty-four interdisciplinary research groups that conduct basic research using healthy and sick cells, tissue and organisms.
The Hubrecht Institute collaborates with numerous local, national and international laboratories. It is partnered with Utrecht University Medical Centre, Utrecht University, Princess Máxima Centre for Paediatric Oncology, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the Oncode Institute.