
The systematic replication of other researchers’ work should be a normal part of science. That is the main message of the Academy advisory report. Funding agencies and scientific journals should also make it easier for researchers to carry out and publish replication studies.
Scientific knowledge builds on existing results. In recent years, however, many existing results in medicine, the life sciences, psychology and other fields could not be reproduced. Weak research methods, poor reporting and disincentives regularly lead to the same studies producing different results. Such non-reproducible results impede scientific progress and are a waste of research funding. They can also result in ineffective patient treatment.
Replication studies require a joint effort
The Academy recommends that researchers, research institutions, funding agencies and scientific journals make a joint effort to facilitate replication studies, for example by requiring the proper storage of study data. Scientific journals should issue guidelines for study reporting and require preregistration of the study method and hypothesis. Scientists should assist other researchers who wish to repeat their study. Funding agencies should set aside more money for replication studies. Institutions should give researchers more credit in career evaluations for conducting replication studies.